Blog post 8.6: Model Energy

In class today we debated over the efficiency of the Tesla Model S. My side debated that the electric car was in-fact more efficient then a standard car.

We used the general Energy equation to make sure that we where correct with our claim.

We used the fact that we can use alternatives from fossil fuels, that the price is equivalent to the use of the car, and that the mass makes the car more useful then a standard car.

That the electric car is more efficient then the standard car due to its power source.

Social Justice, what I am fighting for


What Social Justice am I fighting for?

kiss2I am fighting for Second Parent Adoption. A legal procedure that allows a same sex parent, regardless of if their relation ship is recognized in the court of law, to adopt a child without terminating the first parents legal status. Currently there are still 10 entire states that REQUIRE said same sex couple to be married(and some states don’t even allow same sex marriage!) and I will now be creating a art piece to help aid in this fight to allow gay parents to be just that, gay PARENTS.

The issue with this

loud-house-gay-coupleLet me make a picture for you. You (a gay man) and your boyfriend want to make you a legal guardian of your boyfriend’s child without terminating your boyfriend’s ex girlfriend’s legal status as a parent as well. But since you are not married , regardless of  this being because you are incapable of getting married in said state


Elements Of Design

Lines the basic standard of the elements of design. Separating colors, making shapes, and a whole lot more. Color, the most obvious element that creates a visual appeal for any image. Shapes that help make a plank slate structured in its own chaotic way. Space using your brain to create pictures and such with your mind.  Texture allowing you to feel the art through the page. ETC. Art puts these words into action. And the art that i personally would like to show as a example is this piece. The colors popping and using diffrent images and textures to create 1 image. attracting our eyes with the pink and blue creating space to form the shape in her hand. It is a strong representation of the elements of design. chiaki

Pictogram Movie Poster


A pictograph is a pictorial symbol for a word or phrase. Similar to a red light meaning STOP or a green light meaning GO! Or a male on a door gives the idea of a bathroom for males. I will utilize white space and visual hierarchy to create a movie poster that can entice people to look into the source of the poster. Being my story and Ms.Balogun. Along with cut out images we will get online to help create this photo.



wordUs students must create a simple pictogram. This pictogram must be simple but still enticing enough to create interest for our flash fiction. This will be primarily done with symbolism. We  must use CUTOUTS instead of actual drawn images to create this pictogram movie poster. This forces us to get creative to create the images and symbolisms that we desire to present. Making it difficult but interesting as a project. I will be using clock, lock, infinity, and person pictographs to help show how the main characters situation of being trapped in a time loop.



IMG_4380 (1)This design of of a infinity sign with a clock and lock on it. Shaped slightly to slightly show the image of a person locked within a broken lock. IMG_4381 (1)This one shows a person with clocks and infinity signs all around him. Showing of time is infinitely breaking him and his mind. IMG_4383 (1)This design of of a infinity sign using people to create the sign as a black and a lock are presented. Representing the main character caught in this same time loop, locked inside forever.



RWBQThe materials we will need to create this pictogram are a black piece construction paper, X-Acto knife,cutting board , and a metal ruler! We will be exchanging our I.Ds to get these materials.I will in addition to this need to practice cutting to help perfect my creation of shapes. The only problems I have is cutting circular images, which i will continue to practice doing hopefully in my free time to create the best pictogram possible.




X-Acto Knifes!

An X-Acto is a blade mounted on a pen-like aluminium body, used for crafting and hobbies, such as modelmaking or makeing images. Keeping a good grip on the blade, you move the blade in a straight line towards your self, making sure to keep your line straight. Using a ruler to make sure you don’t over cut.

Video game Physics 6.9: Acceleration

The Lab

  •  To figure out the mathematics and physics behind acceleration.
  • A vehicle’s capacity to gain speed within a short time.
  •  This experiment was one of learning acceleration and velocity. understanding the force of gravity and general pull of it without any initial force. Using wheels and a large wide ruler, we recorded the movements of said wheels to measure the acceleration. Resulting in our project.
  •  To measure Change in time, position, acceleration, and distance.

Calculating Acceleration

  • To find the acceleration, simply divide the force by the mass of the object being accelerated.
  •  500, 375, 750
  •  no!
  • 104

Claim #1

  •  It was not consistant

Making Predictions


Video Game Physics 6.6


  • Our main goal is to calculate velocity.
  • The goal of this lab was to see the velocity without any force of impact.
  • For this experiement we used 1 phone equipped with a stop watch and examined the distance taken by that phone when no pressure was applied to create a velocity.
  • Velocity.

Calculating Velocity

  • Change in position/Change in time
  • 1.5 1.0 1.7
  • yes
  • 1.0~

Claim #1

  • V= change in position/ti

Design Principals Websites



The design principles are what we have to create  a ideal arraignment of elements for our web-pages. However  the concept of visual hierarchy, which is the arrangement or of elements in a way it shows importance and such. The principle of designs though are the star of the show  representing how a designer can best arrange items in a photo so that the layout can overall the design. With the use of  viewpoint of alignment, contrast, repetition, emphasis, white space, proximity, and unity. There is also something called gestalt laws which they are similarity, proximity, continuity and closure. These laws all make a image pop out, but that effect may change depending on what the person is seeing in the image.What I needed to know that what materials will be needed in the pages and how to rearrange it so that the viewers of my web sight can be satisfied. How I will execute this is by using css, which will be used to add feeling to the pages and make the pages look nice and presentable. The resources that I will be utilizing to get all of my information is w3schools, google classroom, Ms.Balogun , notes in our notebook,  and basic html.


Define Stagegiphy

The problem that we as students have faced is that need to create 6 web pages with the photos that we took for our penzu assignments. The requirements are 6 web pages which are index.html, principales.html, visual.html, bac.html, rem.html, puw.html, we will need a stylesheet which would be the the pod.css, the photography assignments which is the balance, alignment, movement, contrast, repetition, and emphasis photos in penzu, the drawings we create to represent the 3 principles proximity, unity and white space, and finally some explanation for . The constraints are that we need to code our pages ourselves. We also need to complete a lot of penzu assignment. We need to manage ourselves in how much work we need to complete in a short amount of time. We are using html and css. What information we are using to help use create our web pages I w3schools, google classroom, the teacher, notes in our notebook, basic html format, we are also using our practice.html to help use learn css.  We are using these codes and design information to create the web pages so that our web pages can look appealing to the reader and easy to read

Develop Stage

The materials we need in this projects is all the notes that the teacher has been giving use, our notebooks, our drawings, a phone, some penzu assignments that we had done in the past, 6 working web pages and information on the web pages,a css file, a site called w3schools so we can get information about code, the planning pages for our design, also the design principles scheme. That is mostly all but also we need a creative mind set. Some problems that i had while doing the web pages is how can i use css to create my web pages look better and have a better presentation. Another problem i had was how to make the images float. Also another had thing that i needed to do is to take good photos so that the pages can look good. I made some changes to my design is by making the images float and adding more descriptive information about the images and also adding a good link tag.

Deliver Stage message

Yes my web pages have meet all the requirements that was needed to be successful in the project. Yes all the requirements that i listed in the discover stage was meet. I made the pages have a good vibe and look pleasing and not boring. Yes the web pages have meet the constraints that was necessary for the project.  Yes all the requirements that i listed in the define stage was accomplished. I did code all of the pages myself. I also complete all penzu assignment necessary and i also managed to complete all the work in a short amount of time period. Some changes i could of made to the the web pages is to be more confident in w3schools and use their advice. Also to not rush cause when i rushed through it everything did not cam out well and I had to reset everything. I would also have a better link tag next time.